Stupid error why i can’t update my window 10 error code 0xc1900204

After countless time restart my laptop for updating but my laptop said it failed to update because no error code. I had google many time to figure out the reason but i can’t find. One day, I tried with Japanese keyword “windows 10、バージョン 1703 失敗”  and luckily i found


It show me error code “0xc1900204” and from it i found my stupid mistake is that i had changed the registry Value.  I remember why i changed the registry Value, cause is my window drive C: \ is SSD drive and limited 500 GB so i want to automatic change new software install folder to normal Hard Disk drive D:\. That is where my trouble come from.

 “Every failure is just another step closer to a win. Never stop trying.” – Robert M. Hensel

Here is solution for my problem

Method 3: Resetting the registry Value.

  1. Type Windows Key + R and type Regedit” press Enter.
  2. Locate the following


  3. Right click on the value named ProgramFilesDir & change the default value C:\Program Files to the path you want to install all your programs in.
  4. Click OK and Exit.
  5. Restart the PC and try perform the update again.

Chúng ta không thuộc về nhao T_T

Thực ra anh cũng biết, anh chỉ mới biết các chú được gần 3 tháng. Không thể so sánh với những tình bạn thời chăn trâu, tình bạn cấp 3, đại học với quãng thời gian 2-3 năm trở lên, tình bạn nhà bên mười mấy năm. Những người bạn mà họ sống chết vì các chú =)) , đã có nhiều kỷ niệm với các chú. Trong khi anh chỉ là một thanh niên qua đường trong cuộc đời các chú. Học xong các chú lại bay mỗi người một nơi, thế nên các chú không thể dành tình cảm lâu dài và bền vững với anh cũng là lẽ đương nhiên. Anh buồn lăm, đành phải tìm thú vui nơi khác, chém gió với những người xa lạ ( tennis, hội sinh viên quốc tế ở Meidai) . Những kỷ niệm 2 tháng đầu quen biết anh sẽ giữ lại như một kỷ niệm đẹp. Và rồi sau 3 tháng anh cũng nhận ra và các chú cũng thấy, chúng ta có quá nhiều khác biệt về quan điểm tính cách, có những mâu thuẫn không thể dung hoà. Thế nên, chúng ta không phải là bạn thân, mà chỉ là hội anh em cây khế thôi. Anh chúc các chú vui bên bạn thân, còn anh lại lê bước đi tìm close friend của đời mình T_T

Valuable tips to email professors for PhD and Postdoc positions

Very nice post from Danial Yousaf in PhD and Postdoc positions

His post say about basic things but in a good organization. I hope in one day i can write a quality post like this

Dear brothers and sisters, if you are planning to contact foreign professors for a postgraduate position in his/her lab or you have already emailed a lot of professors but not getting a positive response, this post is for you. Keep reading.

I used to email professors on regular basis without any luck at all. Then I changed my approach and it really paid off. I got positive response from many professors and some of them invited me to interviews too. Even those professors who had no open position emailed me and thanked me for my interest in their labs and advised me to keep visiting their webpages.

Here are some valuable tips for you. I am hopeful they will be useful to you.

1. Always prefer quality over quantity. Never throw a large number of poorly written emails, rather send a limited number of quality emails. For this, you have to dedicate a good amount of time to every single email.

2. Write a separate email to each professor. Do not send a generalized email to every one. Show the professor that you have indeed worked hard and you are a serious candidate.

3. Only send email to a professor if your research interest matches his/her work OR you can demonstrate a solid interest in and a sound knowledge of the professors area of research.

4. Before emailing, always visit the website of the professor and know about what research he or she is currently doing. It is not going to help if you show your interest in an area in which professor worked say 20 years ago.

5. The most important point is doing proper homework before sending an email. Read at least one paper of the professor 3 times and ask yourself these questions: how your previous research correlates with this work, what can you add to this work to make it more effective, what new methods/techniques can be applied, why are you finding this research work compelling, etc. Please remember that the more homework you do greater the chances are that you will impress the professor.

6. Once you have done your homework, its time to compose the email. Obey the following rules:
A. After salutations, introduce yourself briefly and mention the purpose of your email.
B. Show your interest in professors work by referring to his/her publications. Try to use the language used by professor in his/her articles. Proposing a new and plausible idea is always good to get the professors attention.
C. Briefly state how you can be a good addition to professor’s lab by mentioning your past experience.
D. Close your email by showing your interest in joining professors lab
E. Attach your CV and send the email. Please note that the email should be brief and to the point.
F. If a professor refuses to offer you a position, reply in a cordial manner and pay thanks for his/her time. It is likely that the professor will contact you if there was a position in his/her lab in the future.

Please note that searching for a funded position is an arduous task and you should never lose hope even if you dont get good response. If you can be persistent in your hunt, you will surely get a good offer. Thanks and best wishes to all of you.

Terminate following declaration

Base on inspired post from Bà Dì Nulo  “Break up announcement- Thuy Kieu”, i think it is not fair for men when we are pitiful followers and can be ditched, blocked facebook, unfriend facebook at anytime depend on the girl’s mood. So, from my real experience on the endless road to find “the one”, i would better write down “Terminate following declaration” to awaken blind in following guys:

Dear adorable girls who i following

I am regret to announce that i must terminate following you. It is obviously that you don’t care about my friend request,  ignore and didn’t show any interest in my messages. Sometime in worst case, block me after receive overwhelming complete nonsense messages from me :)) (this is my fault so i am trying to improve my chat skill now:)) ), unfriend me because of my joking comments.   Following you in desperate made me broken-down. In addition, as a poor guy try for surviving in Japan, i am also burdened with stress in work,  dead line in report ,and glorious purpose to look for airblade comrades.

I need someone who can rescue my boring life and be my “the one” :)). Since you have not yet shown any positive signal to me which is supposed to be done by a real “the one”, I have made up my mind to terminate following you.

Although you and i don’t have any precious memories, i want to let you know that this sudden terminating is not wanted. I therefore promote friend relationship to take over “sudden terminating”. If you don’t mind, we can keep friend and learn from each others (unfeasible for blocked, unfriend case).

I would appreciated it if you concern my proposal (in recommendation meaning:)) ). I hope we have fun as  social friends.

Thank for everything.


Your follower, The moon man

0001 Moon of Earth
Milky Way Galaxy, Known Universe 1

Ps: Sorry for a lot of grammar mistakes and typos.


Favorite quotes from How I Met Your Mother

  1. Season 5-2-20′ .  Shouldn’t we hold out for the person who doesn’t just tolerate out little quirks, but actually kind of likes them?. Even if it  means finding ourselves on another blind date with each other, seven years from now?  Well … good luck out there,
  2. Okay, look , the honeymoon period may be over, but now you can get into the real stuff

Handbook of essential knowledge for international student in Nagoya, Japan

  1. Electric device as Iphone, camera, laptop : Osu kannon    Cheap electric device shop Good Will

Nagoya city life learning tuition, pain experience

  1. 150,000 Yen Turn back car fees, take care when you first come to Nagoya and try to drive your car on Nagoya’s road. Traffic in Nagoya is crazy and people change lane with out notification. Use Bus, Subway instead. Here is my painful experience when turn back my car in a narrow road in Nagoya with out high attention and careful
  2. 1500 Yen for leave you bicycle in prohibit area ( around station). Please don’t leave your bicycle 400m around subway station and JR station in Nagoya. If not, all you need is take your identification card, Seal and 1500 Yen to bicycle keeping place to get your bicycle T_T. Here is japanese link about prohibit parking in Nagoya, i am sorry that i cant find any english translate for this information . and is traffic rule in english. This is picture about my illegal parking report, Fine is 1500 Yen for bicycle and 3000 yen for Motor bike. img1494665062748WPJXW5JX6W2MrAMSg0fYNV64
  3. 2600 Yen for let your car at parking lot over 24 hour. There are a lot of parking lot in Nagoya, they often offer 24 hour parking with 1200Yen. But when you pass over 24hour, 200Yen per hour will be charge to your car. So remember to pay parking fee every 24 hour.                1800405

PhD job, Postdoctoral Position hunting from view of a Phd in Japan University

Don’t hesitate to apply every where every position you think is possible and wait for a lucky offer :D,

  1. Most important page for Postdoctoral position in Japan, but you need to know Japanese to search job and setting matching email notify relate to your field, position you want:

2. Google keyword: Postdoctoral position + Your field (E.g. Mechanical Engineering), Kinh nghiệm tìm postdoc  ( + Ở Mỹ, Ở Châu âu .. )

Some website:

Facebook group

Conclusions:  Don’t hesitate to apply every where every position you think is possible and wait for a lucky offer 😀, make connection with other researchers and Professors, and English is the most important thing in my view T_T.

Featured Image sourece:

Ps: Some website help writing a CV or application mail


Một bài viết rất hay về cách tìm posdoc theo phương pháp thủ công, mất thời gian nhưng cực kỳ hiệu quả:



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